Something I have been getting better at recently is taking care of my skin, I've often neglected it and I was once one of those people who just used a makeup wipe to take off all my makeup. Don't get me wrong I still find them super handy when taking off eye makeup or when its late and I haven't got time for a full facial cleanse but when I found out how little they actually removed it really put me off using them on their own.
I've been loving going into Lush recently due to their wide range of hand made fresh products, not to mention the fact that they don't test on animals! This isn't always something I look for when buying beauty products but it is something that is defiantly growing on me.
The first product I have been loving is the 'Ocean Salt' face and body scrub. When I first started using this scrub I was really impressed with how soft it made my skin feel and also how my skin started to look so much clearer and because of this I was using it every day. My friend works in Lush and he recommended for my skin type that I shouldn't use it this often as it is quite harsh on the skin due to the sea salt in it which exfoliates the dead skin cells and using it too often could make your skin become quite dry. I would really recommend this to those of you who have pore proned skin as there are ingredients such as lime and vodka used in this scrub which help with this and also tone the skin. However, if you have sensitive skin you might find this a bit too much as it is a really corse scrub so it might be something you use only occasionally. The only bad thing I have to say about it is that it doesn't taste good at all if it accidentally gets into your mouth!
More recently I have purchased the 'Let the good times roll' facial cleanser. This is the strangest facial cleanser I have ever come across before, the texture is similar to Lush's 'fun' and once you add water it totally changes. When I use this I put a small amount in the palm of my hand and add a tiny amount of water to it and mix it in until it forms a paste, I then apply this to my face and massage it in circular motions. Once I feel like it has been spread around evenly I wash it off with warm water and I'm left with really clean, smooth, moisturised skin! One of the many things I love about this is the scent as it smells like buttered popcorn and its so sweet! I use this every other day in-between using the 'Ocean salt' scrub as this is a lot more moisturising and gentle on the skin, its prefect for those of you who are looking for a natural cleanser which has a lot of ingredients that help nourish and cleanse your skin.
After talking to my friend for a while about my skin type he showed me this moisturiser called 'Magical Moringa' and as soon as he tried it out on the back of my hand I was amazed! It looks like a solid moisturiser but once you apply it to your skin and rub it in it warms up and quickly turns into an oil, this then melts into your skin leaving it with a matte finish. It has all the qualities you need for a moisturiser and also as a primer too, this is down to the fact it leaves your skin feeling so soft which is a perfect base for your makeup. Most primers I have used have quite a synthetic feel to them and feel quite un natural on my skin but because this basically melts into your skin it doesn't feel like you have anything on at all.
These three have become my favourite skincare products, I hope you found this post helpful as I always find it so hard to find something in Lush as theres so much choice! But I hope this review shows you the different benefits of these products and if you're after something new in your skincare routine definitely go to your nearest store and ask a member of staff to recommend some products for your skin type. Don't forget that if you have 5 empty pots you can take them into your nearest store and they will recycle them and in return you get a free face mask! This does exclude the sample pots however these can still be taken into the store as they too can be recycled.
All opinions in this post have been my own and I want to say a huge thank you to my friend Scott for helping me find the perfect products for my skin type, also for telling me about the different ingredients and benefits of these products to include in this post.
Have you ever tried any skincare products from Lush?
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